How to Sign Up for Cub Scouts

Welcome! These are the steps to get your future scout up and running.

  1. Come check us out! We have regular pack meetings, and we usually have an event after school starts to introduce future scouts to our pack. Contact us for details about where and when.
  2. Make sure you connect with Pack Leadership before you register with Pack 734.
  3. Come to a regular Pack Meeting to meet the volunteers and other scouts, and to find out who is your den leader. You might need to register and volunteer to make your scout’s den a reality. Don’t worry! Those of us who have been around longer will help guide you, and it is perfectly okay to have co-den leaders, or a den leader and an assistant den leader, to share the work and the fun.
  4. Register with BSA. Put in your Zip code, click Cub Scouts, and then click Find a Unit. You might need to select “Dens for Boys or Girls” to get us to show up. Look for Pack 734. Click Apply Now to register and pay your BSA dues online. It’s a great idea to register at least one adult when you register your scout.
  5. Class A uniforms can be found at the San Diego Scout Shop. Be sure to check with your den leader to see if any pre-loved Class A or Class B uniform pieces are up for adoption. We are a “tops-only” pack, so don’t feel like you have to get more than just the uniform shirt, hat, neckerchief, and neckerchief slide.
  6. At a pack meeting, be sure your scouts get their Class B uniform pack tee shirt. The first shirt is included with your scout’s initial registration. As your scout grows, or if parents/siblings would like one too, pack tee shirts can be purchased from the pack.
  7. Pay Pack 734 dues. Please write a check to Pack 734 and give it to the Pack Treasurer. Please talk to the Pack Treasurer for the appropriate amount and how to get it to them.
  8. Connect with your den leader for den meeting time/place, etc. Most den leaders use the free calendar to help schedule and manage den activities, and also to record scouts’ advancement and awards.
  9. Have as much fun as possible!